Stacy Schuur


I believe

These two small, but mighty, words have instilled hope and have started wars. I view religion as humanity's limited interpretation of enlightened spiritual beings/gods teachings whose basic messages are all similar. Love one another, act in service of each other and God, and respect/live in harmony with creation/nature. This is why I say I am spiritual not religious. Below is my path of spirituality. I love questions about spirituality and life as while the small I often doesn't have the answer, the collective does and we learn together. Please connect with me if you have any questions.

Instead of I believe...



I grew up in an evangelical Christian church, which we attended twice on Sundays and Wednesday evenings. As a young child, I had spirit guides that I could see and here, but was told I had to let my "imaginary friends" go as entered school. I also have frequent "deja vus" and began keeping a dream journal. When one of these moments struck in our living room, I grabbed the journal and flipped to the page that outlined the exact conversation, for which I was called a devil child. Now I know better and have called my spirit guides back to guide me.

Young Adult

As a teenager learning logic, I concluded if we believe in God, the father, son, and holy spirit, and that the holy spirit was inside of us, therefore we are god. This was considered blasphemy. I rejected religion as a hypocrisy and followed the path of science. However, science could never explain where the material for the big bang came from, so I knew there was still something greater.


I experienced a kundalini awakening (even though I didn't believe in it during yoga teacher training) and was reunited with my spirituality. When the "we are gods" issue came up with my family. I knew in my being that it was in the bible and I searched out the exact verses (Psalm 82:6, John 10:34, 1 Corinthians 6:19). My family finally believed me.

With Rev. Cathryn the Greatful, I co-created "A Living Temple" as we are all living temples as outlined in 1 Corinthians 6:19. Domestic temples were a part of the early church as well. A Living Temple believes in creation (and I also say we then must believe in destruction and constantly changing cycle that is life at the cost of death). The motto is I am, we are, all is, god(ess) is and collectively we can create massive change.

Currently, I view us like individual cells within a body. Fully functional beings that communicate and cooperate with others to create purpose, but we as may not even be aware of others performing different functions nor the overall size and purpose of the body that is the universe/God. 

Of course, I am still learning as well and excited for the next chapter.